With its 2 salles disponibles à la location, sa serre et son jardin , l'USINE will surprise your visitors by its uniqueness and warmth. Organiser vos événements dans cet ancien bâtiment industriel, It is the opportunity to offer an intermission to your audience in the midst of the urban tumult.


This space allows different types of occupation. Exhibitions, conferences, sales, workshops etc, ...
The foyer of the building, called "les guichets", is adjacent to this room and increases the occupancy capacity.

Dimensions: 100 m²
Capacity: 100 seating places - 100 standing places


This room is the home of l'USINE, the meeting place for occupants and passers-by. You will find a kitchen area, a few tables as well as a relaxation area and a stove to keep you warm in winter.

Although it remains a space available to all, "les guichets" can be exceptionally privatized, alone or with the adjoining "salle d'exposition". Exhibitions, culinary workshops, meetings,... can be organized there.

Capacity: 30 seating places - 70 standing places
Amenities included: 1 kitchen - 2 fridges - two large tables for 10 to 12 people - 1 sofa - 1 wood stove